Tryst Guidelines

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The Last Issue XXI released February 28, 2011

At this time, Tryst is no longer accepting submissions.

*Our reading period closed June 1, 2011.

Please read through the guidelines carefully. If you have any questions, query We will try to respond to submissions in 30 days or less. We have an Online Submission Form for those of you wishing to submit in lieu of email. Do not send Photo/Artwork/Music using the online form. Use: If you need to retain special formatting, it's best to send your work via email as an attachment.

Proofread all your work. No poem, work of art will be removed after publication for any reason. If you're unsure about your work, then you're not ready to submit.

Submit three to five poems. You may submit up to three flash fiction pieces (under 300 words per piece). For longer prose pieces exceeding 2,000 words submit only one. You may submit poems, prose, music, photos and artwork in any combination. Please wait until you have received a response before submitting more work. If we do NOT respond after 90 days, even after you have queried, you may elect to withdraw your submission with our apologies. *For Prose/Fiction pieces, we may take longer than 90 days to respond; please be patient; if you don't hear from us right away, we're still considering your work.

You may submit previously published work as long as you state where and when it was first published. However, our bias is toward new, unpublished work and we most likely will not accept previously published work unless the publication in which your work appeared has folded, or your work was published over three years ago and it is of exceptional material. Simultaneous submissions are allowed; notify us as soon as your work has been accepted elsewhere. All feature writers/artists are by invitation only.

Send submissions as plain text in the body of your email. In some cases where you need to retain special formatting, you may send as an attachment. (Do not double-line space except between paragraphs and stanzas).

State the media in the subject of your email: "Poetry (or Prose/Photo/Art) Submission: Your Name." Otherwise your submissions may end up in the Spam folder. Tryst does not accept any untitled pieces; treat them as your own children and give a name/title to all your work.

Send all artwork, and photography in JPG format as an attachment or the URL links to view your work. Once you have submitted your work to Tryst, please send any change of email addresses, updated URLs to the Bounced email is synonymous with rejected work.

Cover letters are optional. Include a brief bio stating your first and last name (or pen name), city and country. The editors reserve the right to edit bios for brevity and welcome personal photos but is not mandatory for acceptance although it is strongly suggested.

Presently, Tryst does not offer monetary compensation for accepted work. We will, however, promote your name. When you submit your work, it is understood that you are:

a) Acknowledging the writing or artwork is of your own creation.

b) You are granting Tryst permission to publish your work upon acceptance and to archive your work indefinitely.

c) As a courtesy, we also ask that you mention Tryst as the first publication should your work be reprinted elsewhere in the future. Personal copyright reverts back to the artist upon publication.

Submissions will be responded to as quickly as possible. Submissions will never knowingly be ignored. If you do not receive a response within ninety days, please query. After carefully reviewing these guidelines, you may submit your work to: or use our Online Submission Form.

Issue XXI released February 28, 2011


Copyright © 2021 Tryst | Last Updated May 22, 2021