Take any word, and follow after it
Light, for example
i. as it breaks through a lens and excites
across microspaces, electrons
encoded in chemical traces
exposed for releases; a film but
not an analog experience, more
a smear, enhanced by stock footage,
ready to make continuous
that which appears
so illusive to capture
or does it decide through sheer force of will,
created conditions trapped in granular fields, those
corrugated grooves on surfaces,
canyons and crevices
some would say, searching
for the proper analogy
all to describe what is
ii. infinitesimal
the difference
between my hand and yours
pressed against thighs
your thighs or mine, moving or still
(the hands that is), still or moving
in small circular
oh so
iii. precise
by which I mean exact or demanding, not the mechanical
device all encompassing – no, never so cold or analytical
- not that precise, something more global, more maddening,
iv. expansive
waves not particles, oscillating quanta no here
not there coming on irresistible
so do not
v. resist
vi. let go, surrender
vii. release my sweet rapture my
viii. lover my lover my release me let go of
ix. me
x. now
by which is always meant the return to the present,
the moment after we lost sight of us,
that moment before the death
now omnipresent, less
one of us
my now
or yours 2)
© T. Birch
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Featured Poetry
White Rose in a Tumbler
For You and I and Everyone
Uriel's Keeping
Take Any Word and Follow After It
This Is the New Century Once More
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.