The two in the car looked too happy

The two in the car looked too happy
Too content in their roles
Too comfortable with their selves
And the anger takes over
As I walk by and see them in their satisfaction
As I walk by and see them in their solace with life

And the doors being unlocked I opened
And the doors being opened I entered
And the doors being entered I escaped

Past the outside and into their reality
Startled they scream and they panic and they  tremble
The luxury of safety gone for today
And once gone today gone always
Astounded they shriek and they fury and they  shudder
The world they thought their own
Intruded upon by happenstance
Trespassed and violated

And the doors being accessible I chose
And the doors being chosen I took
And the doors being taken I lived

Not as the shadow on the sidewalk in the street through the night
But as the reality in the backseat
Too tarnished to heed
Until it is introduced by demand
© 2003 Sally K. Lehman

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And What do the Dead Expect
It's cold at first
The Dissolution of Marriage Number One


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